Методологія та інструментарій стратегічної екологічної оцінки проектів розвитку регіонів України

The research "The methodology and tools for strategic environmental assessment of development projects of regions of Ukraine" focuses on the development and improvement of the strategic environmental assessment (SEA) methodology in Ukraine, taking into account the experience of the implementation of SEA in certain countries of the world and its approbation.

The object of the study is territorial units and urboecosystems of different scale. The proposed approach is based on the use of systematic, strategic and critical thinking, the concept of integration, the concepts of quality and safety of life.

Works on development of an integrated method for analysis, forecasting and foresight of territorial units' development are carried out to accomplish the task. Models and methods for assessing environmental safety in ecological industrial systems in the context of spatial planning, methodology for assessing environmental impacts in the preparation of territorial planning materials (taking into account European experience) are developed. Decision-making methods are improved in order to reduce subjectivity of result in optimal scenario selection of possible consequences of a state planning document implementation for the environment. Foresight methods are adapted for use in the SEA procedure. The results of development of the SEA report for the model region - Cherkasy region - are presented.

The project is conducted under grant support of the State Fund for Fundamental Research of Ukraine.